Collection: T'au Empire

Blast across the battlefield with superior tech and overwhelming firepower in the name of The Greater Good!


The T’au Empire is a relatively young race in the world of Warhammer 40k, but thanks to incredibly fast progress, they can put some of the galaxy’s most advanced technology on the battlefield. In a game of 40k, T’au units bring incredible weaponry capable of bringing down even the biggest targets easily, and use a wide range of specialist battlesuits that can take huge amounts of punishment and keep fighting.

The core belief in the T’au Empire is The Greater Good, or the idea of all groups and races working together in harmony to benefit everyone. On the battlefield, they show this by working together with other units to improve their abilities. A T’au unit with friends nearby is a lot more powerful than any lone wolf.

For situations like close combat where they struggle, they use a range of auxiliary troops like the feral kroot and insect-like vespid to fill in the gaps. On the whole, the T’au are not the most durable army in the game, especially compared to armies like Space Marines, but they can hit hard, fast, and have the ability to control the battlefield if used correctly.

Getting started with T'au Empire

For those looking to play T’au in Malta, core units include:

  • Fire Warriors - Either as a long-range Strike Team or short-range Breacher Team, these are the core infantry of the army.
  • Crisis Battlesuits - These elite battlesuits come in different varieties that are perfectly designed to take down different targets from infantry to tanks.
  • Commander - The veteran leader of a battle force, they can use a Coldstar battlesuit for breakneck speed or an Enforcer battlesuit for extra toughness.
  • Devilfish - The fast and reliable transport tank of the T’au Empire, able to deliver Fire Warriors safely across the battlefield and lay down some cover fire as well.