Collection: Death Guard

Let rot, plague and pestilence herald your advance as you bring Nurgle’s gifts to the galaxy with the Death Guard.

Once a famed and revered legion of Astartes over ten millennia ago in the Great Crusade, the Death Guard followed their Primarch Mortarion to the side of the traitor Horus and into the embrace of the Chaos God Nurgle. Now the legion revels in disease and decay, their bodies bloated and pale with thousands of years of corruption and their Primarch a rotten grim reaper to behold.

In 40k the Death Guard are played with a slow, unstoppable advance across the battlefield. Their ranks are filled with plague marines, vile versions of Astartes with uncanny resilience, as well as devastating forms of terminators and zombie-like hordes of poxwalkers. These are supported by equally tough war machines and warp-spawned Chaos beasts, as well as the most powerful of daemons Nurgle has to command. 

On the tabletop, the Death Guard trade speed for toughness, never moving very fast but durable enough to reach their destination. Thanks to the blessings of Nurgle, their units can shrug off damage that others would find fatal, and the maladies they bring with them can weaken nearby enemies. It is an army for the patient (and not the squeamish).

Getting started with Death Guard

Want to spread Nurgle’s gifts with the Death Guard in Malta? Try these:

  • Plague Marines - Astartes genes mixed with Nurgle’s gifts mean these core troops are unnaturally tough and just as deadly.
  • Deathshroud Terminators - Armed with wicked scythes, these veteran troops are nigh-indestructible reapers of the battlefield.
  • Lord of Virulence - Clad in terminator armour and spewing noxious fumes around him, this commander leads the Death Guard with revolting skill.
  • Foetid Bloat-drone - A trapped daemon of Nurgle powers this rust-covered machine that brings death and decay to any warzone.