Collection: Adeptus Custodes

When times are truly desperate, the golden heroes of the Adeptus Custodes march out from the Imperial Palace to do the Emperor's will

If there is one Space Marine for every million regular humans, then for every thousand Space Marines there is but one Adeptus Custodes. The personal guard of the Emperor and the Imperial Palace, the Custodes are the pinnacle of all human warriors, clad in golden armour and each the equal of a small army.

The ultimate in elite armies, a force of Adeptus Custodes in 40k may have a fraction of the numbers of their opponents, but also come equipped with some of the most ancient and powerful armour and weaponry that the Imperium has to offer. Between the Custodian Guard and even heavier Allarus Terminators, they can boast the heaviest infantry in the galaxy, not to mention the relic machinery they can call upon.

As such an elite force, the Adeptus Custodes on the table are a very small force and that means moving and attacking has to be done with extreme care. On the other hand, their units, including bikes and tanks, are second to none for durability and damage potential, so as a general you’ll always have something powerful at your disposal.

Getting started with Adeptus Custodes

Starting a new shield host of Adeptus Custodes in Malta? Here are the elite basics:

  • Custodian Guard - While technically the most basic troops available, calling these elite warriors rank and file is a severe insult.
  • Allarus Terminators - Elites among elites, Allarus Terminators wear ancient relic armour and can be relied on to hold any line they are tasked to.
  • Trajann Valoris - The current Captain-General of thr Adeptus Custodes, he is an ancient warrior beyond compare in the Imperium.
  • Vertus Praetors - Atop rare and ancient Imperial grav-bikes, these mighty warriors deliver destructive force at incredible speeds.