Collection: Black Templars

Lead a crusade across the stars against heretic, aliens and all other enemies of the Emperor as the Black Templars.

Originally an offshoot of the stoic Imperial Guard legion, the Black Templars were formed in the image of the great warrior Sigismund. Since then, they have undergone an endless crusade against the enemies of the Imperium with a zeal and relentlessness that makes even other Astartes seem moderate by comparison.

As a force in 40K, the Black Templars are driven forward by their unshakable faith and piety, charging down their enemies with expert skill of arms. They do not use the ranks of other Astartes, with forces instead led by Marshals or Castellans, and they make use of unique, less-experienced Crusader Squads alongside the deadly Sword Brother veterans. They are unflinching against even the greatest foes and rightly feared by heretic and xenos alike.

On the battlefield, the Black Templars bring all the strength and toughness of other Space Marines along with an ironclad faith in the Emperor that can physically protect them at times or. They feature hard-hitting melee units, the full mechanised might of the Astartes, and a range of heroic characters capable of lifting their fellow warriors to greater heights.

Getting started with Black Templars

Setting out on a new crusade of the Black Templars in Malta? These are the core units:

  • Primaris Crusader Squad - Fresh Neophytes and Initiates of the chapter, led by a Sword Brother and armed with a range of weaponry.
  • Sword Brethren - The elite veterans of the Black Templars, well-versed in battle and a match for any opponent in melee combat.
  • Chaplain Grimaldus - A legend amongst the spiritual leaders of the Astartes, Grimaldus is a beacon of unbreakable will and resolve.
  • Emperor’s Champion - Nominated before battle to bear sacred relics, the Emperor’s Champion is amongst the greatest duellists in the galaxy.