Collection: Dark Angels

Follow The Lion into battle and purge the dishonour of the past with the blades of the Dark Angels.

Thanks to a betrayal from within during the cataclysmic Horus Heresy, the Dark Angels chapter has spent the past millennia hunting down and purging any remnants of their fallen brothers. Now that their Primarch Lion El’Jonson has returned, however, that shame is being wiped away and the Dark Angels are ready to rejoin the defence of the Imperium in full force.

While the Dark Angels in 40k have access to the wider arsenal shared by all Astartes chapters, they also bring several unique units to the field as well. On foot, there are the redeemed brothers of the Inner Circle Companion, expert swordsmen to the last, while the bikes and speeders of the Ravenwing bring death to their enemies with blinding speed, all under the command of the living Primarch, the master warrior Lion El’Jonson.

The Dark Angels on the tabletop are a mixture of ranged and melee threat in the same way as codex-compliant chapters, although between heavy troops and fast attack options, they play with a ‘hammer and anvil’ approach. They also have a wide range of powerful unique characters, and overall hit the table as a well-balanced and flexible force.

Getting started with Dark Angels

Start upholding the chapter’s honour as the Dark Angels in Malta with these essentials:

  • Hellblasters - Specialist Intercessors armed with plasma guns, favoured by the Dark Angels for punching through heavy enemy armour.
  • Deathwing Knights - Specialised terminator squads armed with ancient swords and shield to take the fight to the Dark Angels’ greatest foes.
  • Azrael - The current Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels is a tactical genius and mighty warrior second only to The Lion himself.
  • Ravenwing Black Knights - Elite warriors mounted on bikes with enough weaponry and skill to reduce even the hardest targets to ashes.